LibKey Nomad is a free browser extension that streamlines and simplifies access to the CSU Libraries’ collection of over 50,000 electronic journals and over 1.4 million ebooks. LibKey Nomad features:
Once you have the browser extension installed, all you need to do is search for articles and books using your normal workflows, and LibKey Nomad takes care of the rest!
When you land on a web page for an article or book, LibKey Nomad checks the Libraries' subscriptions and provides a link in the lower left hand corner of the web page. The button's appearance will change depending on the services that LibKey Nomad can provide. Here are some examples of buttons that you might see:
The library can provide this item, and you can instantly download the PDF Full Text in one click. |
The CSU Libraries can’t provide immediate access to this article, but we can help you get it through InterLibrary Loan, a free service for CSU faculty, staff, and students. |
The Libraries has a copy of this ebook. |
An Open Access version of the article is available, but it may not be the final, published version of the article.
For some databases, LibKey Nomad can provide enhanced access:
No. LibKey Nomad uses persistent identifiers to provide services for an articles (DOI, PMID) or ebooks (ISBN). It cannot provide services for web pages that do not display a DOI/PMID/ISBN. Fortunately, the majority of publishers include this key information in their records, but some vendors, such as JSTOR, are not compatible with LibKey Nomad. JSTOR articles can be accessed from the publisher link in the A-Z Database list.
LibKey Nomad is currently configured to work only with selected scholarly websites, and not on the web in general. The LibKey Nomad FAQ provides the most up to date information on site compatibility:
LibKey Nomad will prompt you to authenticate with the CSU Libraries the first time you use it (each session), but after that it should authenticate automatically until you start a new browser session
Once you have installed LibKey Nomad, you can see how it works by visiting the following links: