Online Resources
- Bank for International SettlementsBank for worldwide central banks. Statistics and research cover numerous issues including the global economy, international monetary and financial cooperation, monetary policy, foreign exchange markets, and the financial sector.
- EconPapers (Economics at your fingertips)RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative volunteer effort to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. Fully searchable. Site is hosted by the Department of Business, Economics, Statistics, and Informatics at Orebro University (Sw
- EurostatExtensive European Union statistical information.
- FAOSTATFood and agriculture organization of the United Nations - database.
- FraserFederal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research. Links to scanned historical economic statistical publications, releases, and documents.
- GlobalEdgeThis is a good place to start for international information. Extensive links to global resources from the Center for International Business Eduction and Research at Michigan State University.
- International Economic TrendsEconomic research reports on international/country information and comparisons from the St.Louis Federal Reserve Bank.
- Penn World TableReal national accounts data.
- RePECResearch Papers in Economics. See also Ideas at
- UN ComtradeExtensive worldwide trade statistics from the United Nations.
- UNdataSearches various UN databases covering a range of topics.
- WWW Virtual Library: International Business and EconomicsDirectory supported by Elizabethtown College provides sources for statistics, information and analysis in international business and economics.
- UN Demographic and Social StatisticsIncludes Demographic Yearbook
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