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GIScience (Geographic Information Science)

Resources and information on GIScience created by the CSU Libraries and other CSU entities

Databases for Articles About Using GIS in Research

Below is a selected list of databases which include articles about GIScience, geospatial technologies, and research articles that incorporate geospatial data.

Databases & Searching for Research Articles

Scholarly research articles in many disciplines incorporate GIS data into the research process. Below are some searching examples for articles of interest.

If you have questions or problems locating research articles on your topic, consult with your College Liaison.

Search Strategies (combining keywords or terms)

If you are looking for articles about a topic or keyword and you would like those articles to include GIS principles or technologies, one way to search for that would be to combine the concepts.

Example: I would like to find articles about streams or stream hydrology and the use of GIS in the modeling.

Search Strategy: (GIS or geographic information systems) AND (stream* and hydrology)


Examples: I would like to find articles about use of GIS technology in researching crime reporting and analysis.

Search Strategy: (GIS or geographic information systems) AND (crime* )

Web of Science Search Examples

Web of Science Search:

WOS GIS stream example

List of articles:

WOS GIS citations


Social Sciences Abstracts Search Example

Social Sciences Abstracts Database Search Example

GIS or Geographic Information Systems AND crime

Social Sciences crime search

List of citations

SSA crime citations


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