CSU Library Website Customization

Documentation of CSU Primo and LibGuides customization

Access CSS Editor in Omeka

Access CSS Editor

Since we chose hosting by Omeka option, we can only add custom css code via CSS Editor plugin. Login as the site Admin and click the Plugins ->  CSS Editor -> Configure. 

Omeka CSS Editor

Special Notes for Omeka CSS

1. Comments are not allowed in the code. That's why I have to document here for future reference. 

2. The last line of code's ; is taken out by the program. e.g. If you input the following code as 

#site-title {     line-height:1.6;      }

Omeka will automatically convert it to 

#site-title {     line-height:1.6      }

3. Some CSS code is not allowed. e.g. :firstchild  :before are not allowed. If you input an not allowed code, Omeka either discard it or keep the parent element. 

We could change explanation fields' text on contribution forms using the following code, but Omeka doesn't take :after tag, so we can't change it.  

#element-50  .explanation { visibility: hidden;}

#element-50  .explanation:after {visibility: visible;  content: "Custom explanation added here."; }

Body and Header

Comments for Custom Code

body {
background-color:#F4F4F4 !important;  // change the default white background to light grey. 

header {
background:transparent no-repeat left; // We used a huge background
padding-bottom:50px; //Padding-top and padding-bottom control the height of the background image. 
border-width:0 0 8px; // Lighter green/yellow bar under the header background image. 

Header CSS

Without the top and bottom padding, the background will be much smaller. 

smaller header


The header background image actually is uploaded under 

Appearance -> Themes -> Configure Theme (we use Thanks, Roy ) -> Header Background

header background image

The background image is pretty wide, 3820x192px. A copy of this image is attached here. 

header background image


If you use an image with smaller width, the background will be stretched for a bigger screen. For example, if I use a 300x192 px image

test header background

for the header background, this is what I will see on a bigger screen.

stretched header background image

// When a screen is small, the site title will be two lines. This code increase the space between lines. 

#site-title {  line-height:1.6 }

Change from the default 

header text too close

to this 

more space for title


footer {

background-color:#1E4D2B;  // CSU official green

color:#fff;  //change text color to white

font-family:Calibri // Omeka does not have CSU official fonts available. Use Calibri to substitute font-family: "Proxima Nova";


footer a {   

border-bottom:0;  //Remove link underline   

font-size:1.2em   //make link text bigger }

footer a:link {  color:#c8d94    //change link text color }

footer a:visited {color:#c8d945}

//Use list for footer links and style list.

footer ul {  float:left;  text-align:left  }

footer ul li { display:inline-block;  border-right:1px solid #fff;  padding:5px 20px 5px 1px  }

CSS for Content Section

// By default, exhibits' pages have a right navigation menu. It took 25% of space and redundant , so we hide it and make the content section wider.

nav#exhibit-pages {  visibility:hidden   }

hidden right navigation menu

// Customize the navigation menu on the bottom for Exhibit pages'/Stories' 

a.next-page { color:#1E4D2B !important }

a.previous-page { color:#1E4D2B !important }

span.current-page { font-weight:700 } // Bold the current page's title

#exhibit-page-navigation {  width:100%  }  // Make the bottom exhibits'/stories' link fill the entire content width.

exhibit navigation links

#exhibit-blocks {  width:100%  // It used to be around 75% and another 25% was used for the right navigation (the above attached menu). We designated the entire area for content. 

exhibit block

a {  border-bottom:2px dotted #c8c272   // Add lighter green dots under links in content area. 

Change Button Styles

input#form-submit {

Change the contribute button from 

contribute button default look

to a bigger button, so users can see it better. 

Updated contribute button

The following code customize the send message button on contribute your idea page

input#send { 
padding: 20px;
font-family: Calibri;

font-size: 1.5em;

font-weight: 700  

Change buttons on Contribute memories and ideas to orange. 

#primary input#send, input#form-submit {    background-color:#D9782D   }

orange button

Change the main menu style

main menu css

#primary-nav ul.navigation .sub-nav-toggle {

#primary-nav ul.navigation li a {
border-bottom:1px solid #c9d845;  // change menu divider's color from light grey to lighter green/yellow
font-size:1.1em // enlarge the menu text

#primary-nav a {
background-color:#1e4d2b;  //change menu background to dark green

#primary-nav a:hover {
background-color:#c9d845; // change hover color to lighter green/yellow. 

Customize Exhibit Page/Stories Thumbnails

Please choose all horizontal images for thumbnails, no PDF no text file. Omeka server does not accept many css code so we have very limited ways to present these images as thumbnails. 

stories icons

Custom CSS added to Omeka's CSS Editor plugin

div.story_gallery {
border:1px solid #ccc;

div.story_gallery:hover {
border:1px solid #777;

div.story_gallery img {

div.desc {

.story_center {

Code used on Exhibit page

<div class="story_gallery"><a target="_blank" href="https://threadsofcommunity.omeka.net/exhibits/show/stories/old-beginnings" rel="noreferrer noopener"> <img src="https://mountainscholar.org/bitstream/handle/10217/211634/AVEN_01_010.jpg" alt="Click to view Old Beginnings Collection" width="600" height="400" /></a>
<div class="desc">Old Beginnings</div>


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