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Newspaper and News Sources

The purpose of this guide is to highlight the print and electronic news resources of Colorado State University Libraries and to provide links to selected internet news websites.

Coloradoan Library Access

Free Access the Coloradoan and USA Today @ CSU

C2C ASCSU Access GraphicAll CSU students and employees have access to USA Today and over 200 local newspapers, including the Coloradoan, compliments of Associated Students of CSU (ASCSU) and Commitment to Campus (C2C).


With the USA Today Digital Education program, students and faculty can seamlessly access the Coloradoan and USA Today across devices, ensuring flexibility and convenience. 

Access includes the USA Today website/app, podcasts, tailored newsletters, and eNewspaper for 200+ local publications (including Coloradoan.)  Click for full list of publications by state: Local Brands Map – Gannett.

To sign up please complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the sign-up page.
  2. Provide your first name, last name, and email address. The email address you use must end with                       
  3. Check your inbox for an activation email. It usually arrives quickly but can take up to several hours. Please check your spam and/or junk folder if you don’t receive it within an hour. 
  4. Within the activation email, click on the “Activate My Digital Access” button to reach the Create Account page.
  5. On the Create Account page, enter your first name, last name, email address, and then create a password. Next, click “Create Account.
    Note: The email address you enter here must be the same email address you used in step 2.

Library Help

Library Help

Connect with library staff via chat, email, phone or text.

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