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FSHN 150 - Survey of Human Nutrition

How to Find a Peer-Reviewed Article

CSU Libraries has a ton of resources to help you find peer-reviewed articles and other credible source types. The instructions below describe finding an article in FTSA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts, but additional tools and resources are listed at the bottom of this box. 

  1. Go to an academic database like Food Science and Technology Abstracts (FSTA). From the Libraries' website (, you can also access this link in the A-Z Database List (linked under the search box on the homepage) > F (alphabetic list in the middle of the page > Food Science and Technology Abstracts
  2. Conduct a search by putting one big idea into each serch box--for example, see the search below for 'mediterrean diet' and 'blood pressure.' For more information on developing good keywords, you can also check out this Selecting and Using Keywords video. 

This image shows an EBSCO search for 'mediterranean diet' and 'blood pressure,' with one term in each search box.

  1. If you are looking specifically for peer-reviewed articles, you can limit to peer-reviewed journals by using the check-box on the left-hand side (under "Limit To"). Note that these search results may still include small news items/book reviews/etc. published in peer-reviewed journals and these are not full articles. For more info on peer review, see this Peer Review in 3 Minutes video


Close up of the peer reviewed limit on the left in the EBSCO interface, with the box checked.
  1. Review the articles in your results! If the results don't look relevant, try adjusting your search terms (ex. in the search above, I may want to try 'cardiovascular health' instead of 'blood pressure.' Once you find an article that looks relevant, click on the title, to see the full information, including the abstract. 
  2. If it still looks relevant, you can locate the full-text of the article. Often, there will be a PDF right there--if there isn't, click on the green FindIt@CSU button to see all the options. If you have questions about getting the full-text of articles, you can review this PDF guide or contact the library. 



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Kristy Nowak
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