How to Find a Peer-Reviewed Article
CSU Libraries has a ton of resources to help you find peer-reviewed articles and other credible source types. The instructions below describe finding an article in FTSA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts, but additional tools and resources are listed at the bottom of this box.
- Go to an academic database like Food Science and Technology Abstracts (FSTA). From the Libraries' website (, you can also access this link in the A-Z Database List (linked under the search box on the homepage) > F (alphabetic list in the middle of the page > Food Science and Technology Abstracts.
- Conduct a search by putting one big idea into each serch box--for example, see the search below for 'mediterrean diet' and 'blood pressure.' For more information on developing good keywords, you can also check out this Selecting and Using Keywords video.
- If you are looking specifically for peer-reviewed articles, you can limit to peer-reviewed journals by using the check-box on the left-hand side (under "Limit To"). Note that these search results may still include small news items/book reviews/etc. published in peer-reviewed journals and these are not full articles. For more info on peer review, see this Peer Review in 3 Minutes video.
- Review the articles in your results! If the results don't look relevant, try adjusting your search terms (ex. in the search above, I may want to try 'cardiovascular health' instead of 'blood pressure.' Once you find an article that looks relevant, click on the title, to see the full information, including the abstract.
- If it still looks relevant, you can locate the full-text of the article. Often, there will be a PDF right there--if there isn't, click on the green FindIt@CSU button to see all the options. If you have questions about getting the full-text of articles, you can review this PDF guide or contact the library.

Kristy Nowak
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Subjects: Composition (CO150)