- Evidence Synthesis Protocol TemplateThis template is based on the PRIMA-Protocol guidelines but is adaptable to any type of evidence synthesis project.
Search Design
- Evidence Synthesis Search Design Documentation - TemplateThis template can be used to document both decision making and final reporting requirements for an evidence synthesis search design.
PRISMA Flow Diagram
There are four templates at the link below:
- Reviews that only collect results from databases and registries
- Reviews that collect results from databases, registries, AND additional methods
- Update of an existing review with results from databases and registries
- Update of an existing review with results from databases, registries, AND additional methods
Data Management and Sharing Plan (Optional)
- Data Management Plan Template: Systematic ReviewsUse the guide linked below to get further guidance in completing this template.
- Guide to the DMP Assistant Template for Systematic Review ProjectsGuide explaining how to complete the Data Management Plan Template: Systematic Reviews.
(Pre)-Registration of the Protocol
Registration of the protocol in a version controlled and/or public manner is considered a best practice and often a publication requirement for systematic reviews, scoping reviews, and other evidence synthesis projects. For structured reviews, registration is at the discretion of the advisor/program.
- Pre-Registration - Registering the protocol (publicly and/or in a version-controlled manner) before exporting results from searches or at least before the start of data analysis
- Registration - Registering the protocol publicly at any point after the start of the project / date analysis, generally done for publication purposes
Where to Register
For structured reviews, you may want to simply add the protocol to the CSU digital repository, Mountain Scholar.
- CSU Digital Repository (Mountain Scholar) Archive and share your research data in the CSU digital repository
- OSF RegistriesGeneral registration space for protocols for all types of reviews and all disciplines.
- PROSPERORegister protocols for systematic reviews broadly relevant to health outcomes. There are separate registries for human only and animal only projects. Only accepts systematic review protocols.