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OT 769: Capstone Project and Experience Development - Review Option



Search Design

PRISMA Flow Diagram

There are four templates at the link below:

  1. Reviews that only collect results from databases and registries
  2. Reviews that collect results from databases, registries, AND additional methods
  3. Update of an existing review with results from databases and registries
  4. Update of an existing review with results from databases, registries, AND additional methods

Data Management and Sharing Plan (Optional)


(Pre)-Registration of the Protocol

Registration of the protocol in a version controlled and/or public manner is considered a best practice and often a publication requirement for systematic reviews, scoping reviews, and other evidence synthesis projects. For structured reviews, registration is at the discretion of the advisor/program.

  • Pre-Registration - Registering the protocol (publicly and/or in a version-controlled manner) before exporting results from searches or at least before the start of data analysis
  • Registration - Registering the protocol publicly at any point after the start of the project / date analysis, generally done for publication purposes

Where to Register

For structured reviews, you may want to simply add the protocol to the CSU digital repository, Mountain Scholar.

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