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BUS300 - Business Writing & Communication

Research help for your BUS300 research project

Find Scholarly and Popular Articles

Business Source Complete is your best bet for finding business articles, but other databases also contain relevant information. Here are some examples:

Determining if a journal is peer-reviewed

Look up the journal in Ulrich's by either title of ISSN. ISSN is a unique number assigned to every journal and magazine, so searching by ISSN will get you to the correct journal more quickly. You can usually find this number listed in the database where you found the article you are investigating. 

Once you find the journal, look at the basic description section. There is a row labeled "Refereed", which is the term that Ulrich's uses for peer-reviewed. If this line says "yes", then the journal is peer-reviewed.

Screen shot from Ulrich's, showing where to find refereed information

Evaluating Resources? Use the CRAAP test.

The CRAAP test, which stands for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose, is a list of criteria/questions that you should keep in mind as you evaluate a book, article or website. 

Use this handout (from California State University - Chico) to help you determine if a source provides good information... or not.

Can't Find Full Text?

Encountering this?

No full text messages in Primo

Click on "CSU-Fort Collins Interlibrary Loan" to request the item from another library. Articles will typically arrive within 24 hours, while books typically arrive within 7-10 days.

New to ILL? You can activate your account when clicking on the Interlibrary Loan link. Just sign in with your CSU eID and password.

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