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HIST492: Travel and Pilgrimage to the Holy Land from Late Antiquity to Mark Twain

Primary Source Databases via CSU Libraries

For contemorary topics (2000-present) these databases will allow the searchng of newspapers from around the United States:

Searching Newspapers by Title

If you are searching for a contemporary topic (1980-present) Academic Search Premier can be used to find magazine articles froma varietyof sources.

Magazine Archives

Search Engines

Search engines can be useful for locating specific primary source documents. If you use Google, enter the names of specific documents in quotation marks.

  • "Works Progress Administration"
  • "New Deal"

For broader searches, add primary source keyword terms, such as documents, primary sources, or papers to your search.

  • "Great Depression" "primary sources"
  • "Franklin D. Roosevelt" "speeches"

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