Where to Find Annual Reports
A company's investor relations webpage is often an excellent source for annual reports and other announcements. You can locate by Googling the company name along with "investor relations". These pages also may have links to investor calls, where you can listen to company executives talking through results with analysts.
You can also find detailed information by reading reports submitted to the government. The SEC requires all companies that trade on U.S. stock exchanges to file annual reports, quarterly updates, and other disclosures; these are heavily used by company analysts.
- EDGAR - SEC filingsSearch your company here for all of their government filings. You can limit your search to 10-Ks if you want only annual reports.
- Mergent OnlineSearch for your company using the basic search box. Annual reports are available in this database under the "Reports" tab. These are identical to the reports from EDGAR, just a little easier to find.
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