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Human Development & Family Studies


Welcome! This guide gives an overview of library resources for HDFS. See the navigation tabs for sections--such as finding articles, finding books, or citing resources.

Your library accounts


For full access to library resources:                                                                                                 

  • You will need to know your NetID and Password, to enter when prompted by the Libraries' Web pages.
  • You will need access to your two library accounts, described below.

My Record

  • Your primary, 24/7 library account. Lists the physical items, such as books, that you have borrowed or are waiting to receive.
  • Use this account to renew items that are currently checked out to you.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) account

  • Use this account to request items CSU Libraries doesn't own.
  • You will need to create this account.
  • After your account is created, you will be able to sign in with your eID eName and ePassword.

Off-network access for CHHS affiliates: Citrix

About Citrix

Citrix is a fabulous resource available to students, faculty, and staff affiliated with the College of Health and Human Sciences (CHHS). It is a Web-based portal that allows access to a virtual desktop. You may use Citrix to access your College of Health and Human Sciences M: drive and other network storage (P, S, X, and W drives) and to use software (Microsoft Office, EndNote, and more) provided by the College.

Citrix and the CSU Libraries

CITRIX change while all CSU courses are online.

When you sign on to Citrix and then access the CSU Libraries' online resources from within Citrix, access functions just as it does on campus.

Citrix set-up and help

For help with Citrix, please contact the CHHS technology Help Desk (Ph. 970.491.3458; M-F, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

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  • Finding articles, books, & more
  • Using library resources
  • Citing your sources

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