Welcome! This guide gives an overview of library resources for HDFS. See the navigation tabs for sections--such as finding articles, finding books, or citing resources.
Your library accounts
For full access to library resources:
- You will need to know your NetID and Password, to enter when prompted by the Libraries' Web pages.
- You will need access to your two library accounts, described below.
My Record
- Your primary, 24/7 library account. Lists the physical items, such as books, that you have borrowed or are waiting to receive.
- Use this account to renew items that are currently checked out to you.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) account
- Use this account to request items CSU Libraries doesn't own.
- You will need to create this account.
- After your account is created, you will be able to sign in with your eID eName and ePassword.
Off-network access for CHHS affiliates: Citrix
About Citrix
Citrix is a fabulous resource available to students, faculty, and staff affiliated with the College of Health and Human Sciences (CHHS). It is a Web-based portal that allows access to a virtual desktop. You may use Citrix to access your College of Health and Human Sciences M: drive and other network storage (P, S, X, and W drives) and to use software (Microsoft Office, EndNote, and more) provided by the College.
Citrix and the CSU Libraries
CITRIX change while all CSU courses are online.
- The solution for CHHS employees using work desktops or laptops is to connect to Citrix light version (in-browser version) and then access library resources. Additional inquiries must go through chhshelpdesk@colostate.edu
When you sign on to Citrix and then access the CSU Libraries' online resources from within Citrix, access functions just as it does on campus.
Citrix set-up and help
For help with Citrix, please contact the CHHS technology Help Desk (Ph. 970.491.3458; M-F, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
- Start your Citrix set up.
- Look for a message prompting you to download and install the Citrix client software to your personal computer.
- Use your NetID and Password to sign on to Citrix.
Ask a Librarian

Ask Us About:
- Finding articles, books, & more
- Using library resources
- Citing your sources