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HDFS250: Intro to Research Methods

Research help for HDFS250 students.

Find sources

Identify keywords

Example search:

APA PsycInfo example search for child asterisk and temperament and parenting

Tip: the * makes the database search for different endings of the root word, so child* searches for child, children, childless, etc. This is called truncation.

Use library search techniques

Use search limits

APA PsycInfo search limits with 2014 to 2023 publication date limit and Academic Journals source type limit selectedThe APA PsycInfo and Family Society Studies Worldwide databases have many ways that you can refine, or customize, your search using limits. These are available on the left-hand side of the search screen.

  • For this assignment, make sure you limit your results to articles from the last ten years using the Publication Date slider (or typing in the From box).
  • Limit your results to Academic Journals to see only research articles. You'll still need to check on your own if the articles are empirical.
  • You may also want to limit your results to English and review the other limit options.
  • NOTE: Avoid using the Linked Full Text limit—it eliminates many of the articles you can access immediately. See "Get full text & cite" for full text options.

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Renae Watson
Ph: 970-491-5338

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