About JoVE
JoVE is the world-leading producer and provider of science videos with the mission to improve scientific research and education.
- JoVE Science Education is a video library dedicated to teaching the practice and theory of scientific experiments through engaging and easy-to-understand visual demonstrations.
- JoVE journals are peer-reviewed scientific video protocols to accelerate biological, medical, chemical and physical research.
Faculty wishing to integrate JoVE videos into their courses are encouraged to take advantage of JoVE's faculty support services that include curriculum mapping of videos and custom files for loading videos into Canvas.
Click here for more information about resources for faculty.
JoVE Science Education
Access JoVE through the links below. You should also use these links below to bookmark access to JoVE, since these links will automatically pass you through CSU's authentication system.
CSU Libraries provides access to the following JoVE Video collections:
- Basic Methods in Cellular and Molecular Biology (JoVE Science Education)Demonstrates how to execute basic techniques commonly used in cellular and molecular biology, including Using a Hemacytometer to Count Cells; Passaging Cells; PCR; ELISA Method• DNA Gel Electrophoresis
• Separating Protein with SDS-PAGE
• Bacterial Transformation: Electroporation
• Bacterial Transformation: The Heat Shock Method
• Plasmid Purification
• Gel Purification
• The Western Blot
• Introduction to Transfection
• DNA Ligation Reactions
• Restriction Enzyme Digests
• Molecular Cloning - Biology 1: Yeast, Drosophila and C. Elegans (JoVE Science Education)Features three model organisms commonly used in life sciences research; also covering methodology to maintain them in the laboratory.
- Genetics (JoVE Science Education)Focuses on genetics and incorporates five broad subdisciplines: the genetics of individuals and populations, genetics and disease, gene expression, epigenetics, and genetic engineering.
- Neuropsychology (JoVE Science Education)Presents multidisciplinary techniques in behavior, neurophysiology, anatomy, and functional imaging to help diagnose brain damage and mental disorders.
- Neuroscience (JoVE Science Education)Provides an introduction to the field of neuroscience, exploring five major branches of study: neurophysiology; neuroanatomy; cell and molecular neuroscience; behavioral neuroscience; and developmental neuroscience.
- General Chemistry (JoVE Science Education)Foundations in general chemistry, showcasing basic lab techniques, demonstrating commonly used equipment, and exploring the theory behind fundamental methodology in chemistry. Covers Common Glassware; Solutions and Concentration; Density;Empirical Formula• Mass Percent
• Freezing Point Depression
• Coordination Chemistry
• pH Meter
• Titration
• Equilibrium Constant
• Le Châtelier’s Principle
• Ideal Gas Law
• Enthalpy
• Rate Laws
• Solubility Rules - Organic Chemistry I (JoVE Science Education)Techniques routinely used in the organic chemistry lab, focusing on regulating temperature and atmosphere during chemical reactions and post-reaction refinement. Topics include Catalysis; Reflux; Reactions Below Room Temperature• Degassing Solvents
• The Schlenk Line
• Anhydrous Reagents
• X-ray Crystallography
• Recrystallization
• Separation via Precipitation
• Rotary Evaporation
• Solid-Liquid Extraction
• Fractional Distillation
• Thin Layer Chromatography
• Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
• Column Chromatography - Organic Chemistry II (JoVE Science Education)Covers the theory and reactions necessary to carry out syntheses on a more advanced level. A few videos introduce methods commonly used to analyze the reaction products such as infrared spectroscopy and polarimetry.
- Analytical Chemistry (JoVE Science Education)Takes a broad look at quantitative analysis and instrumentation including electrochemistry, spectroscopy, chromatography, and mass spectrometry.
- Core BiologyOver 300 concise and easy-to-understand animated video lessons that explain key concepts in biology, plus more than 150 scientist-in-action videos that show actual research experiments conducted in today’s laboratories.
- General Laboratory Techniques (Science Education)This collection exhibits how to use standard pieces of laboratory equipment essential in many experiments. Modules include: Intro to Working in the Hood; Measuring Mass in the Laboratory;Making Solutions in the Laboratory• Understanding Concentration and Measuring Volumes
• Introduction to the Spectrophotometer
• Introduction to Fluorescence Microscopy
• Introduction to Light Microscopy
• Histological Sample Preparation for Light Microscopy
Regulating Temperature in the Lab:
Preserving Samples Using Cold
• Regulating Temperature in the Lab: Applying Heat
• Introduction to the Centrifuge
• Introduction to the Microplate Reader
• Introduction to the Bunsen Burner
• Introduction to the Micropipettor
• Introduction to Serological Pipettes and Pipettors - Lab Manual Biology (Science Education)Curriculum-focused videos for both instructors and students in introductory biology lab courses.
JoVE Trials
- Environmental Sciences (JoVE Education - Available through 12/31/2020)Includes three sections:
Environmental Science: Interdisciplinary exploration of environmental systems with topics including soil and water contaminants, invasive species, alternative energy and forestry.
Environmental Microbiology: An introduction to microbial communities in the environment and their roles in ecosystems; and also explores common methods used to study environmental microbiology.
Earth Science: Topics ranging from geology to geochemistry; with a variety of demonstrations including physical and chemical properties of minerals and the analysis of rock formations.

Michelle Wilde
Morgan Library
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1019
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1019
(970) 491-1860
Subjects: Zoology