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CSU Libraries Tutorials & Videos

Interactive tutorials, videos, etc. to teach you about library research and more.

Interactive Library Tutorials

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Library Research Videos

Library Research 101 Playlist - Video playlist by CSU Libraries. What students need to know to get started with college-level library research.

Topics included:

Library Research 102 Playlist - Video playlist by CSU Libraries. Learn more about types of sources, tracking down documents, and organizing sources found.

Topics included:

Citing & Organizing Sources Videos

Citing & Organizing Sources Playlist - Video playlist by CSU Libraries. Learn how to organize and cite sources--important steps in the research and writing process.

Topics included:

Zotero Basics Playlist - Ten videos by CSU Libraries on getting started with Zotero, the free citation management software.
Includes an introduction, how to download, how to gather sources, how to organize and clean sources, how to cite, how to add citation styles, and how to troubleshoot the Microsoft Word plug-in.

Data & Donuts Videos

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