Spring 2025 Assignment
- PubMed (National Library of Medicine)PubMed is useful for any medical related topic such as genetic diseases in humans and animals, and research into using CRISPR to address these.
Acessing Library Resources from Off-Campus
- LibKey NomadLib Key provides single click access to library content from publisher websites, PubMed, Wikipedia and more. Install the extension in your browser, and select Colorado State University from the drop-down menu. The plug-in scans sites for journal article identifiers and directly links to articles available to CSU users - no further login required.
- Google ScholarGoogle Scholar searches lots of formats - be sure you find articles. Directly link to CSU's holdings in Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/?inst=6416714965532506866.
You may also add access to CSU Libraries resources in the Google Scholar settings. Directions are available at: https://libguides.colostate.edu/googlescholar.

Kristy Nowak
For assistance, please see all library help options here: https://lib.colostate.edu/services/ask-us/
Subjects: Composition (CO150)