The Cache la Poudre River provides many recreational opportunities. Fishing, rafting, and hiking take place on or near the river, and many rely on river conditions, supplied by sites below. There are also businesses that specialize in activities on the Poudre.
- American WhitewaterThis site has information on all Colorado rivers regarding whitewater rapids. Scroll down to the grouping for the Cache la Poudre to look at each individual section.
- Cache la Poudre Scenic BywayThe Cache la Poudre Scenic Byway is a 101-mile stretch of road that largely runs along the river. Many hiking trailheads, cross country ski trails, and snowmobiling roads are accessible via this scenic route.
- Cache la Poudre WildernessWilderness Connect gives brief but useful information regarding the Poudre wilderness.
- City of Fort Collins Parks: TrailsTrail descriptions and maps for the Poudre Trail, which follows the river through Fort Collins, and other trails for walking, jogging, and biking
- Larimer County Open SpaceLarimer County's Lions' Open Space, along the banks of the Poudre, offers day-use outdoor sites free of cost.
- Northern Colorado Hiking TrailsBrief descriptions, provided by Poudre Wilderness Volunteers, of trails in the Poudre Canyon and Poudre Watershed
- Poudre River FestAnnual summer festival
- Poudre River Trail CorridorA paved trail that runs 21 miles along the river between Greeley and Windsor
- Poudre River Whitewater ParkLearn about the proposed whitewater park.
- Poudre Rock ReportUpdates on river streamflows in relation to boating the river
- US Forest Service, Cache la Poudre WildernessIncludes information on the trail that exists in the wilderness area.
- Colorado River Outfitters AssociationAn association of guided rafting companies on the Poudre River, with links to Rapid Transit Rafting, Rocky Mountain Adventures, and A Wanderlust Adventure
- MishawakaRestaurant and entertainment venue on the river in the canyon
- Poudre River ResortBusiness provides accommodations near the river as well as nearby recreational activities.
Your Archivist

Patricia Rettig
Archives & Special Collections
Morgan Library
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1019
Morgan Library
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1019
Subjects: Water