International Statistics
- CIA World FactbookCurrent information about countries. For historical CIA World Factbooks see link below to Morgan Library catalog record.
- EurostatInformation on the economic, political, and social statistics of the European Union.
- Foreign Trade Statistics (U.S. Census Bureau)Export statistics including country/product trade data and state export data.
- IMF eLibrary DataCountry and world financial and monetary statistics from the IMF. Includes International Financial Statistics.
- International Programs Data (U.S. Census Bureau)Demographic and socio-economic statistics for all countries.
- International Labor OrganizationInternational Labour Organization database on labor statistics.
- Nation MasterCountry comparisons; create your own tables.
- OECD DataNumerous stats from the Organisation for Economic Development.
- Population Reference BureauData and text on both the U.S. and other nations.
- Statistical Sites on the WebGovernment site provides links to U.S. and foreign government statistical agencies.
- UNdataSearches across all of the UN's statistical databases and covers a wide range of topics.
- UNECEStatistics provided by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
- The World Bank - DataData compiled by the World Bank from 1960 to the present.
- Institute of Health EconomicsThe Database of Online Health Statistics provides quick and easy access to freely available web-based statistics generated by national and global agencies and research groups.
United States Statistics
- Census of AgricultureVarious ag related data.
- Digest of Education StatisticsData available from 1990 from the National Center for Education Statistics.
- Economic Report of the PresidentFrom the Federal Reserve. Reports back to 1947.
- Historical Statistics of the United StatesHistorical statistics of the United States, colonial times to 1970.
- Individual Year Conversion Factor TablesConversion factors from 1774 to 2019.
- IRS Tax StatisticsCollection of statistics released by the IRS on business and household tax.
- National Agricultural Statistics ServiceUSDA clearinghouse of ag stats.
- NEA Almanac of Higher EducationOnline yearly reports available from 1996 to present.
- National Center for Education StatisticsInteractive site that allows users to view various data collected from U.S. Department of Education
- Population Reference BureauData and text on both the U.S. and other nations.
- Population Reference Bureau - Data SheetsInformation from 2004 to the present.
- Public Land StatisticsFrom the Bureau of Land Management. Reports available from 1996.
- State Health Facts OnlineGathers data for all states in a number of categories.
- State MasterProvides comparative data for the 50 U.S. states.
- Statistical Abstract of the U.S. (ProQuest)Coverage: 1878 to present
A comprehensive collection of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States.
- Survey of Current BusinessFrom the Bureau of Economic Analysis. National, regional, international, and industry data.
- Transportation Statistics Annual ReportReports from 1994 from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics.
- U.S. Census BureauProvides demographic, housing, business, and industry data.
- USDA Economics, Statistics and Market Information SystemAccess to over 2500 USDA economic reports and data-sets.
- U.S. City Open Data CensusThe U.S. City Open Data Census is a crowdsourced measure of public access to public datasets in municipalities across the United States.
Colorado Statistics
- Quick Guide to Colorado State Government Statistical InformationExcellent listing organized by topic.
- Colorado State Demography OfficeVariety of state statistics including demographic information.
- StatelineVariety of statistics by state from the Pew Charitable Trusts.
- U.S. Census - American Community SurveyVariety of statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey at the state and community level.
- Geospatial Centroid Data ResourcesCSU's Geospatial Centroid web page with links to the Geospatial Centroid Data Hub and other data sources.
Larimer County & Fort Collins Statistics
- City of Fort Collins OpenDataWeb portal with data sets that are available to the public in a format that citizens can easily search, filter, and utilize in innovative and creative ways.
- City of Fort Collins - Demographic InformationDemographics of Fort Collins.
- City of Fort Collins - Crime StatisticsStatistics on various crimes from 2003-2012.
- City of Fort Collins - Drug Task Force StatisticsStatistics on arrests and seized amounts.
- Larimer Health TrackerStatistics regarding public health factors in Larimer County.
CSU Statistics
- Colorado State University Institutional ResearchVariety of information by category and college - and includes interactive reports.