Online Resources
The Library is here to help you with your research! Below are some resources to help you get started with your research, whether you are studying in-person or online.
- Off-Campus AccessPlease see this page for updated information about how to access library resources and services from wherever you are learning.
- Get HelpSee this page for all the options to get help with library and research questions, including our chat box. You can also contact me, the Composition librarian (Kristy Nowak, I am available to help by chat, e-mail, or by scheduling a virtual appointment.
Online Library Instruction
The following videos will walk you through some information you need to get started with your research assignments.
If you have questions about any of this content, contact your librarian (Kristy Nowak,
Additional resources include:
- All Library Help OptionsThis link has all library help options, including our 24/7 chat box.
- CO150 GuideIf you'd like a review of peer-reviewed and popular article definitions, search strategy, and library services, review the CO150 page.

Kristy Nowak
For assistance, please see all library help options here:
Subjects: Composition (CO150)