CO150 - College Composition
Welcome to the research guide for CO150! This guide contains information you need to do your CO150 assignments, including a comprehensive tutorial (below) and specific information about different parts of your research (ex. the research process, saving and citing articles, etc. If you have any questions, please contact Kristy Nowak ( or see the library help page for more help options.
CO150 Tutorial
The tutorial below will walk you through the information you need to get started with your CO150 research! Click on the picture or the link below. If you complete the tutorial and pass the quiz, you'll be able to download a certificate of completion to submit to your professor.
If you have questions, contact Kristy Nowak (kristy.nowak@colostate,edu, Composition Librarian) or see the library help page.
Library Help and Services
The library has a lot of resources for helping with your assignments and information/technology needs. Here is a list of some of the many resources we have available!
- AskUs!This link provides the complete list of ways to get help with library resources. The page includes our chat option, so you can get help any time!
- Contact Your Librarian (recommended for complex/in-depth questions)Kristy Nowak (information to the right) is the librarian who specializes in CO130/150/300. Feel free to contact her with research questions.
- Research Help by SubjectUse this link to find information about doing research in your major or in any of your other classes. The research guides are listed by broad subject areas (ex. arts & languages).
- Citation Style LibGuideThis library research guide provides information on citing your sources. It covers multiple citation styles, including MLA.
- Printing in the LibraryThis page contains information about printing in the library, including cost and how to set up your account.
- Study Room ReservationsThis is the link to the study room reservation calendar. You can see which times/locations are available and click on the time/date you want to reserve.
- Course ReservesThis link provides information about course reserves. All reserves are available electronically, with the exception of CO150 readers. Those are available at the Loan & Reserve Desk.
- Tech Support/Computer RepairThe Computer Diagnostic Center provides computer support and repair.
- Writing CenterThe Writing Center provides support for writing, revising, and editing papers. They hold some of their hours in the library. See their website for full details and to make an appointment.
You can also contact the Help Desk (970) 491-1841 or visit the Help Desk in the lobby of Morgan Library. Please contact us if you need help.