Have you been inspired (or told) to do a systematic review? Let's make sure a systematic review is right for you!
The specific guidelines for how to conduct a systematic review differ by field of study, but the core process is generally the same.
The goal of a systematic review is to provide a clear, evidence based recommendation for practice or policy in a very specific situation based on the existing evidence and its quality.
Systematic reviews have a narrow focus but search comprehensively across a large body of literature to answer that narrow question.
If this is not an appropriate goal for your thesis/capstone/dissertation, then there are other review types that may be better suited.
Overall, identify your research question first, and then determine if a systematic review or other evidence synthesis method is appropriate for that question!
A research team is an essential component for systematic reviews and almost all other evidence synthesis projects. This can be a challenge for graduate students! Figure out if you have a team to work with before getting too far into these projects.
If you do not have a research team, you can:
At the start of this process, it is almost impossible to be certain how many included studies you will ultimately have in your project. Make sure you have the time and capacity to deal with a high volume of results and a plan B if there is nothing.
You can help yourself mitigate some of these risks:
For any publication purposes (article, poster, conference presentation, etc.), many projects that do not have research teams or do not have resources to follow the full methodological guidelines are best described as:
These titles adjustments acknowledge that the authors recognize the proper methods, goals, and guidelines for conduct of systematic reviews and other types of evidence synthesis projects. These methods were used wherever possible, but the resources were not available to meet full methodological guidelines.
Alternatively, there are a few evidence synthesis project types that can be produced on short timelines and/or without a full research team. Check out the Types of Reviews page.
The CSU Libraries offers expert evidence synthesis project support for systematic reviews, scoping reviews, evidence maps, and more.