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ETST310: African-American Studies

Research help for all interested in African-American Studies.

Developing Your Research Question

Developing your research question can be one of the most difficult parts of the research process. Remember that research is fluid; your topic will adapt, and could even completely change, as you do your research!

Find Definitions and Background Information:

Searching Library Databases

Database searching is different from Google searching.

  • Break your topic into keywords (or key concepts)
    • Combine main concepts with AND to get fewer results (homelessness AND college students)
    • Combine synonyms or related terms with OR to get more results (college OR university)
  • Try different searches using different combinations of your keywords
  • As you skim your results, look for new keywords or ideas that relate to your topic
  • Keep trying! Searching often takes time and requires multiple searches in a few different databases
  • Ask for help

When searching in databases, you can use limits (normally on the left of your search results page) to focus on specific publication years, article types, etc.

Library Help

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