Biological Abstracts Archive
Due to budget cuts, CSU’s Biological Abstracts subscription has not been updated since January 1, 2010. Access to the
Biological Abstracts Archive (1969-2009)
is being maintained, but those seeking current, up-to-date indexing should use one of the following databases:
New Resource - July 2017
CSU has gained access to BIOSIS as part of a database package. It is recommended for all topics in biology and includes content from Biological Abstracts.
- BIOSIS Citation IndexCoverage: 1926-present
Subject coverage includes traditional areas of biology like botany, zoology, and microbiology.
Related and interdisciplinary fields such as agriculture, biochemistry, bioengineering, biomedical, biophysics, biotechnology, ecology, medicine, and pharmacology are also covered.
- Web of ScienceProvides seamless access to current and retrospective multidisciplinary information from approximately 8,700 of the most prestigious, high impact research journals in the world.
- MEDLINE (PubMed)Coverage: Varies
Comprised of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher websites. - CAB Abstracts 1973 - presentMaximum Concurrent Users: 4
Coverage: 1973 to present
Provides access to literature in the applied life sciences, including agriculture, environment, veterinary sciences, plant sciences, mycology and parasitology, food science, human health, and nutrition. - Zoological RecordCoverage: 1864-present
Coverage of the world's zoological and animal science literature, covering all research from biochemistry to veterinary medicine. Provides a collection of references from serial publications, books, meetings, reviews, and other non-serial literature. An online thesaurus of controlled terms arranged in hierarchies makes it easy to locate appropriate search terms. Scope notes and related term references are also provided.
- SciFinder ScholarBefore using SciFinder Web Edition, you must register for SciFinder Web Edition
SciFinder seamlessly links scientists to more micro, molecular, and cellular biology, biomedical, and biochemical content than any publicly available source and is the only single scientific source that provides extensive links to both patents and journal literature. moreSciFinder finds references to biomedical research using the CAplusSM and MEDLINE databases and allows you to search the largest depository of protein and nucleic acid sequences from biomedical patents and journals. This vast collection of scientific information allows you to easily explore a wide range of biological disciplines, such as:
- Genetics, proteomics, and diseases
- Biochemistry, biology, and biotechnology
- Toxicology
- Waste management
- Nutrition, food, and agricultural sciences
- Pharmacology and pharmaceutical development
It also allows you to explore research in:
- Diseases and metabolic pathways
- Biomarkers
- Gene expressions and gene therapy
- Antibodies
- Biologics
- Metabolomics
- Transciptomics
- Drug-target interactions
- Enzymes and proteins
- Small molecules
- Biotechnology
- Nucleic acids
- siRNA...and more
- Genetics, proteomics, and diseases
Alternative Databases by Subject
If you want to search the literature from . . .
Biology, try: Web of Science, PubMed, SciFinder
Botany, try:Web of Science, CAB Abstracts (1973-present) or CAB Abstracts Archive (1910-1972), Agricola
Cell Biology, try: PubMed, Web of Science, or SciFinder
Natural Resources, try: Web of Science, CAB Abstracts (1973-present) or CAB Abstracts Archive (1910-1972), Zoological Record Plus (1864-present), Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA)
Taxonomy, try: Zoological Record Plus (1864-present), Web of Science
Wildlife Biology, try: Web of Science, CAB Abstracts (1973-present) or CAB Abstracts Archive (1910-1972), Zoological Record Plus (1864-present), Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA), Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide
Zoology, try: Zoological Record Plus (1864-present), Web of Science, CAB Abstracts (1973-present) or CAB Abstracts Archive (1910-1972), Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA)
Questions, Comments, General Feedback
If you have questions about creaing new search strategies or concerns about the cancellation of Biological Abstracts, please contact Michelle Wilde, or 491-1860.
Questions, comments, and general feedback about the cancellation of Biological Abstracts can be referred to:

Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1019