Scholarly vs. Popular Articles - Hydroelectric Power and Salmon Migration
- The Effects of Run-of-River Hydroelectric Power Schemes on Fish Community Composition in Temperate Streams and Rivers
This is a scholarly article from the journal PLoS ONE.
- Effectiveness of Pulse Flows in a Regulated River for Inducing Upstream Movement of an Imperiled Stock of Chinook Salmon.
This is a scholarly article from the journal Aquatic Sciences.
This is a popular article from the magazine Science News.
- The Salmon's Swim for Survival
This is a popular article (an editorial) from The New York Times.
- Drought Conditions in the Western States - Water Shortage Challenges and Legislative Options
This is a magazine article from Congressional Digest. While this magazine is academic in nature, it is not scholarly/peer-reviewed.
- The Salmon's Swim for Survival - Web Edition
This is a popular article (an editorial) from The New York Times.**