Federal Data
- Data.gov - GeospatialU.S. government portal for geographic information (including GIS) across agencies and programs.
- USDA Data GatewayIncludes the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Farm Service Agency, and Rural Development.
- ESRI (esri.com)Information about the ESRI product, training, and other info.
- National Map Viewer (USGS)View and download US and international data.
- National Integrated Land System (Bureau of Land Management/ US Forest Service)Data for federal lands, land and mineral use records, mining claims, and the public land survey.
- Cartographic Boundary Files (US Census Bureau)Downloadable boundary files and metadata. No map images.
- National Agriculture Imagery ProgramAerial imagery taken during the agricultural growing seasons in the continental U.S.
- National Wetlands Inventory (Fish & Wildlife Service)Wetlands digital data extracted using USGS topographic quadrangle names.
- FSGeodata Clearinghouse (US Forest Service)Geospatial data sets and metadata for national forest lands.
- GeoFred (Federal Reserve)Geographic Federal Reserve economic data.
- Geography and Mapping Technologies (National Park Service)Downloadable data for the national parks.
- US General Soil MapIncludes downloadable data.
- State GIS Maps (National Water & Climate Center)Maps displaying snow water equivalent, snow depth, and monthly/yearly precipitation.
- National Geophysical Data Center (NOAA)Complicated site, but worth exploring for climate, weather, ecosystems, natural hazards and other data.
- National Hydrography Dataset (USGS/EPA)Digital spatial data for surface water features.
- Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) (USGS)Land information data and maps downloadable by purchase.
- General Digital Data Information (USGS)Biologic, geographic, geologic, and hydrological scientific data downloads.
- TerraLook (USGS)Downloadable satellite images from 1975 forward.
- National Geospatial Program Office (USGS)A gateway for "The National Atlas" and other geospatial endeavors.
- Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics ConsortiumPublic domain imagery and land-cover data from a number of federal agencies.
- National Historical Geographic Information System (U. of Minnesota)Census data and GIS-compatible boundary files for the US between 1790 and 2000. Includes a link to Social Explorer (below).
- Social ExplorerInteractive data maps of the US with historical data back to 1940.