Articles about lesbian and gay issues can be found in nearly every popular and academic periodical. Most literature, social science, history, and some science periodical indexes - including the MLA Bibliography, Sociofile, PsycLit, ERIC, America: History & Life, PAIS, Ethnic Newswatch, and Women's Studies Abstracts - will include articles about gays and lesbians from the academic, mainstream, or ethnic community presses. Many indexes and abstracts do not index the lesbian and gay press, however, and many current and historically significant lesbian and gay titles remain unindexed (e.g. Curve, Genre, Girlfriends, OutWeek, Journal of Lesbian Studies.) These periodical indexes, available in various electronic and/or print formats, cover articles from some lesbian & gay press titles and other journals:
This is one of our principal databases for general research needs. It covers approximately 8,500 different publications, and has full-text of the articles for 4,600 of those titles. LGBT titles like Advocate, GLQ: a Journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies,and other GLBTQ titles are covered in this database.
Covers feminist and academic titles: The Journal of Gender Studies, The Journal of Homosexuality, Lesbian Review of Books, SIECUS Reports, Sojourner, off our backs.
Since 1969, API has covered several gay and lesbian periodicals along with other underindexed feminist and radical publications. Titles currently covered include The Advocate, BLK, Gay Community News, Lambda Book Report, Lesbian Contradiction, Out/Look, RFD, Rites.
In 1991 BRI began covering book reviews from The Advocate, Christopher Street, Lambda Book Report, and Out/Look. Titles added since then include the Harvard Gay and Lesbian Review, Journal of Homosexuality, and off our backs.
Two print sources index articles exclusively from the lesbian press. Both index periodicals now out of print, but remain essential for historical research.
The Ladder 1956 - 1972. New York: Arno, 1975.
The Daughters of Bilitis' news magazine, the first nationally distributed lesbian periodical, reprinted and indexed in nine volumes.
HQ76 .L4 1975
Potter, Clare. The Lesbian Periodicals Index. Tallahassee: Naiad, 1986.
One paperback volume indexes 42 lesbian periodicals now defunct, covering 1947 - 1975.
HQ75.6 .U5 .P68 1986
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