Recommended Literature
Carroll, A. J., Tchangalova, N., & Harrington, E. G. (2016). Flipping one-shot library instruction: using Canvas and Pecha Kucha for peer teaching. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 104(2), 125–130.
Clossen, A. (2018). Chapter 4: Bringing guides to every course. Library Technology Reports, 54(5), 17–20.
Clossen, A., & Klimczyk, L. (2018). Chapter 2: Tell us a story: Canvas integration strategy. Library Technology Reports, 54(5), 7–10.
Clossen, A., & Raish, V. (2018). Chapter 6: Librarian role and embedded librarianship. Library Technology Reports, 54(5), 24–27.
Daniel, D. (2016). Embedded library guides in learning management systems help students get started on research assignments. Evidence Based Library & Information Practice, 11(1), 76–78.
Fagerheim, B., Lundstrom, K., Davis, E., & Cochran, D. (2017). Extending our reach. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 56(3), 180–188.
LMS embedded librarianship and the educational role of librarians. (2016). Library Technology Reports, 52(2), 5–9.
Murphy, S. A., & Black, E. L. (2013). Embedding guides where students learn: Do design choices and librarian behavior make a difference?. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 39(6), 528–534.