Copyright & Electronic Thesis Or Dissertation [ETD]
As the author of a completed thesis or dissertation, you automatically own the copyright. Below are several resources that will help you learn more about your rights and responsibilities.
- CSU Libraries Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) SubmissionOutlines the necessary steps for submitting your thesis or dissertation electronically to ProQuest/UMI website.
- Electronic Thesis or Dissertation Submission Process and Copyright RegistrationThis website created by the CSU Graduate School provides information on the submission process and how it intersects with copyright.
- Statement on the Fair Use of Images for Teaching, Research, and StudyCreated by the Visual Research Association, this statement provides useful information about re-using copyrighted figures and images in theses and dissertations (see pages 11-12).
- Copyright and Your Dissertation or Thesis: Ownership, Fair Use, and Your Rights and ResponsibilitiesThis manual uses real-life scenarios to demonstrate how copyright impacts theses and dissertations.
- CSU Graduate Students & Electronic Theses & DissertationsAn infographic explaining the best practices for planning for potential copyright issues and submission of your ETD.
Reusing Your Own Published Work in your ETD
Often, graduate students publish articles before obtaining their degree and would like to use their published materials in their ETD. However, before you can include your published work in your ETD, you must check the terms of your publishing agreement. Many publishers require authors to transfer copyright, meaning that the author no longer retains any rights to use their work. If this is the case, then you will need to request permission from your publisher.
- Publisher Policies on Reusing WorkCurated by MIT Libraries, this webpage provides an overview of publisher policies concerning the reuse of graduate students' previously published articles in their theses, as well as policies governing the acceptance of journal submissions that have been derived from an author's previously published thesis.
Using Other's Copyrighted Work
Typically, you need to obtain permission to reuse copyrighted work in your Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD). This applies to any material created and/or previously published by others, including images, figures, tables, text excerpts, and more. Even though your ETD might be for academic or non-commercial purposes, copyright law still applies.
What about Fair Use?
Some exceptions exist within copyright law, notably fair use, which permits limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. Determining fair use depends on the specific circumstances of each case. Here are some resources to aid you in assessing fair use.
- Fair UseA brief explanation of fair use and its four factors.
- Fair Use ChecklistUse this checklist to help guide you through a Fair Use Evaluation.
How do I request permission to use copyrighted material in my ETD?
Before you can request permission, you have to identify the copyright owner. In conventional academic publishing, authors usually transfer their copyright to the publisher, making the publisher the copyright owner. A publisher's website is a useful starting point for locating the copyright owner. Many publishers offer automated permission request forms, simplifying the process. Below are several resources to assist you with permission requests.
- Penguin Publishing Group Titles DatabasePenguin Publishing Group offers various avenues for finding copyright owners and seeking permissions, one of which is through their Titles Database.
- RightsLink and CCC MarketplaceMany academic publishers use RightsLink, a service provided by the Copyright Clearance Center, to streamline basic permissions requests directly from the article page.
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Informational Purposes Only
The materials and information on this guide are intended for informational purposes only. CSU Libraries make every effort to assure the accuracy of this information but do not offer it as counsel or legal advice. Please consult the University's Office of the General Counsel or your own attorney for advice concerning your specific situation.