Food Science & Human Nutrition
Handbook of Food Science and Technology 3 by Thomas Croguennec (Ed.); Pierre Schuck (Ed.); Gérard Brule (Ed.); Romain Jeantet (Ed.)
Call Number: OnlinePublication Date: 2016This third volume in the Handbook of Food Science and Technology Set explains the processing of raw materials into traditional food (bread, wine, cheese, etc.).Handbook of Nutrition and Food by Carolyn D. Berdanier (Ed.); Johanna T. Dwyer (Ed.); David Heber (Ed.)
Call Number: OnlinePublication Date: 2013This handbook provides a reference guide for many of the issues on health and well being that are affected by nutrition.The Gale Encyclopedia of Nutrition and Food Labels by Longe, Jacqueline L. (ed.)
Call Number: OnlineISBN: 9781410338921Publication Date: 2016This encyclopedia explains what labels and ingredients mean to overall nutritional and food-safety needs.
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