You should never have to pay for an article as a student! Access databases through the Libraries website and you won't be asked to pay for any sources you find.
Don't see a PDF or HTML option? Use the button.
If you see Full text availability, click on the blue link. It should lead to you to a page on the publisher’s website where you will see a PDF button to get to the full text.
If you see No full text available or How to get it, try signing in if you haven’t already. If you still see no full text options, click on CSU-Fort Collins Interlibrary Loan. This will take you to a form where you can ask CSU Libraries to get the article from another library (for free to you because tuition).
Once you submit the request, you’ll typically get an email saying the article is ready within 24 hours. The email will tell you how to get to the article in your Interlibrary Loan account online.