MVL Child paper
For all prompts/topics: child* , adolesc* , teen* , youth
Temperament: Temperament development; personality development; temperament AND parenting; temperament AND school; temperament AND goodness of fit; personality AND childhood; disposition AND change; self-control; personality AND goodness of fit; temperament AND emotional development
Peers: peer relations AND child development; peer pressure AND outcomes; bullying AND outcomes; risk-taking behavior AND peer relations; friends; peer pressure AND adolescence; peers AND academic performance; peer influence; peers AND delinquency; friends AND school age
Risk and Protective Factors: Protective factor AND child development; risk factor AND child development; Fathers AND child development, SES AND child development; C-section AND child development; disorders AND child development; risk factors AND early childhood; protective factors AND adolescence; parent-relationship AND delinquency; divorce AND child development; SES AND academic performance
Example search:
Tip: the * makes the database search for different endings of the root word, so child* searches for child, children, childless, etc. This is called truncation.
MVL Adult paper
For all prompts/topics: young adult, emerging adult, college students, mid-life, middle age, middle adult, older adult
Risk-taking: risk-taking, drug use, unprotected sex, risky sexual behaviors, sexually transmitted infections, addiction, sensation seeking, drunk driving, driving under the influence, experimentation
Parenthood: transition to parenthood, parenthood, childless
Divorce: divorce, separation, infidelity, adult children, economic, financial, life course
Example search: