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Veterinary Specialty Boards Reading Lists

About the Project

This project’s goal is to compile and verify recommended reading lists for the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Recognized Specialty Veterinary Organizations (RSVOs) examinations.  This information will help veterinary residents locate these materials and help librarians develop collections.

This master template is licensed under creative commons, non-commercial use, share-alike, adaptations allowed. You can copy them into LibGuides 2 at your institution and modify them to include your local holdings. If your institution has LibGuides 1, please visit the project site in LibGuides 1. If you copy it to your institutions LibGuides presence, use a service like or email project administrators to monitor the pages for updates.

This project began in 2009 with Vicki F. Croft at Washington State University and Heather K. Moberly at Oklahoma State University and since has included contributions from many people.

The Veterinary Information Resource Committee, Veterinary Medical Libraries Section, Medical Library Association, is responsible for maintaining and updating this master template.