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This guide will show you all the great benefits of having an ORCID iD and how to make the most of it.

What is ORCID?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique, persistent identifier assigned to researchers and scholars. It helps to distinguish individuals from others with similar names and ensures that their work (publications, grants, and other contributions) is accurately attributed to them. ORCID provides a digital identifier that researchers can use across platforms, ensuring consistency in how they are credited for their research and scholarly activities. Many journals, funding agencies, and institutions now require or encourage using an ORCID iD.

Register for Your ORCID iD Now

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Distinguish Yourself in Three Easy Steps!

  1. Register for an ORCID iD
  2. Connect your iD to your work
  3. Use your iD in grants, publications, datasets, and more

Register today at

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Khaleedah Thomas

Guide Credit

This guide is based on the ORCID Guide at Emory University Libraries by Jody Bailey and Kimberly Powell, under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) International 4.0 license

ORCID® is a registered trademark, and the ORCID logo and iD icon are trademarks of ORCID, Inc.

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