Is a journal peer reviewed?
Peer Reviewed Journals
What is a Peer Reviewed Journal?
Synonyms: academic journal, scholarly journal, refereed journal
As defined by Cockcroft, P. D., Holmes, M. A. (2003). Handbook of evidence-based veterinary medicine.Oxford: Blackwell. P.37.:
3 .4 1 Journals
At the heart of EBVM is the pursuit of primary evidence upon which to make health-care decisions on our patients. The single most important source of such information is from peer-reviewed papers that appear in journals. . . The peer review process has evolved as a fundamental quality control process in the publication of scientific papers. In short, each published paper is reviewed anonymously by two or more suitably qualified scientists who work in that field. The reviewers are unpaid and impartial. Poor papers may still sometimes get published but it generally ensures that the results and conclusions of published papers can be believed. Before we can apply the information contained within such papers to our own clinical practice we do need to find the relevant papers, and be able to interpret and appraise the evidence.
How do I find out whether a journal is peer –reviewed?
Journals will usually state whether they are peer-reviewed on the “About” page for the journal. If the information is not there, you may search the library database “Ulrichsweb.”
Using Ulrichsweb:
- Go to the CSU Libraries Home Page
- Select “Articles & Databases” tab
- Choose “U”
- Select Ulrichsweb
- Search using the title or ISSN

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