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Browse Your Library!

Rediscover one of the best technologies that was ever invented! The book!

Academic Libraries that use the Library of Congress Classification Outline (the majority of them) can easily be browsed for serendipitous discovery of wonderful books in your subject area. All you need to know is the call number range to get yourself situated. Linked below you'll find the general outlines for books in these areas.

Be sure to search our catalog if you have a specific book in mind.

If you'd like any more information about finding resources for your research just ask your librarian.

Find Books with Library Catalogs

Need books? Then you need a catalog to help you search. Listed below are: our local catalog for CSU, the Regional Catalog for the big libraries along the Front Range, and WorldCat which combines the catalogs of thousands of libraries.  If you can't find what you're looking for, just ask.

Find books: Primo

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Search below for books, articles, videos, images, dissertations, government documents, and more available through CSU Libraries, or go directly to the Advanced Search

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