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Library Instruction

Library Instruction for Your Students

If you have a research component to any of your assignments, we may be able to provide some tips that can make the process more productive for your students. We're happy to provide any of the following forms of support for your research assignments:

  • A face to face library instruction session...our classroom or yours. Schedule an instruction session by filling out our instruction request form.
  • A research guide for your class, subject area, or topic. 
  • Supply CSU Libraries contact details to your students.

When working with a librarian to develop a library session or research guide, take a look at the Information Literacy Standards for Anthropology & Sociology Students to get an idea of the range of topics that can be covered. 

Work with a librarian

A librarian is happy to help incorporate information literacy skills and concepts into your class. If you have a research-based assignment, you may schedule a library instruction session to help your students get started with their research. Other ideas for incorporating information literacy into your class include:

  • Have your students compare and contrast three sources of information about the same topic. Have them look at a web site, a magazine and a scholarly journal article to help them recognize the differences between the types of information that each provides.
  • Have your students "Google" the author of one of your Course Reserve readings to see what they can find out.
  • Have your students paraphrase their course reserve readings and watch for the temptation to simply copy'n'paste without thinking

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  • Finding articles, books, & more
  • Using library resources
  • Citing your sources

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