Welcome to the resource guide for Sociology.
If you have questions, please ask:
- Your Librarian
- Help Desk 491-1841
- Ask-A-Librarian
Faculty in the Department of Sociology can schedule a library instruction session to help students with their research projects.
University Historic Photograph Collection
Image from the University Historic Photograph Collection: http://hdl.handle.net/10217/40409
Get Set to Use the Library
- About the LibrariesHours, maps, contact information & more
- Course ReservesNeed to read something your professor put "on reserve"? Check it out here!
- Interlibrary Loan & Local Document DeliveryThere may come a time that you need a resource that our library doesn't have. Use our fast and convenient Interlibrary Loan system for your research needs. They will also supply electronic (PDF) versions of articles from our shelves. Login to Illiad!
- Academic Search Ultimate
Coverage: Varies
Multi-disciplinary database of scholarly and popular articles. Includes full text, peer-reviewed journals, PDF backfiles to 1975, and searchable cited references.
InterLibrary Loan
InterLibrary Loan, also known as ILL, is a great resource that can connect you to full-text journal, magazine and newspaper articles, as well as books, book chapters and other resources that our library does not have.
ILL is FREE for you to use, but you have to set up an account username and password first.
Step 1: Set up your ILL account here
Step 2: Request items through ILL here or via the button
- When you're in a database, use the
button to see if full-text is already available. If not, click on the 'InterlibraryLoan/Document Deliver' link to submit a request.
- ILL article requests are generally processed within 24-48 hours.
- ILL book requests take a bit longer. Check our Regional Catalog, Prospector, to see if you can get a book faster from a front range library.
- You will receive an e-mail alert when the materials are available.
For more information, visit the ILL web site.
Ask a Librarian

Ask Us About:
- Finding articles, books, & more
- Using library resources
- Citing your sources