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Coding and Cookies

Automating data cleaning and analysis using R and Python.


The following resources have been assembled to take your python skills to the next level so you can:

  • Effectively work with geospatial data
  • Break-up your analysis and run several instances of your program
  • Move your analysis to an HPC and retrieve results


  • Introduction to Spatial Data Science
  • Python
  • HPC 
    • CSU Alpine 101
    • Linux 101
    • Set-up Virtual Environment on HPC
      1. With Interactive Geospatial Python Notebooks cloned (use: "git clone" from shell)
      2. Make the setup script executable using "chmod +x"
      3. Run the setup script "./"
    • Run jobs using Slurm (the HPC job scheduler)
      1. Duplicate and edit the file with "cp job_template{year}.sh"
        1. Open the new file with "vi job_template{year}.sh"
          • Enter edit mode, press the Esc key then 'i'
          • Change the 'year' value used in the file (two locations)
          • Update the email address
          • Save and close the file, press the Esc key then type ':wq' followed by the Enter key
      2. Use the command "sbatch job_template{year}.sh" to submit the job
      3. Then use "squeue --user={user_id} --long" to check the status of the job

Additional Resources:

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