Checking out CSU Books
- While in the Library catalog and viewing the record for the book, dissertation, or other item you want, click the Request button located under Find a Copy. You must be signed in with your eID and password to see this option if an item is available from CSU Libraries.
- Choose Distance Learner or Home address as your pick-up location.
- The item will be mailed to you. You are responsible for the return postage.
Undergraduates have a four week loan period for books, government documents and electronic media. Graduate students have a six month loan period. Items may be renewed if no other patron has placed a hold/recall on them.
Checking out Prospector Books
If a title is checked out from Morgan Library or is not owned by CSU, check the Prospector catalog. Prospector is a unified catalog of academic, public and special libraries in Colorado and Wyoming. With a single search you can identify and borrow materials from the collections and have them delivered to you.
To borrow through Prospector, select Colorado State University from the drop-down menu. Enter your first and last name and your CSU ID number (nine digit number on your CSU ID card). Select Distance Learner from the Pickup Location menu. The item will be mailed to you. You are responsible for the return postage.
Undergraduate and graduate students have the same loan periods - three weeks with 1 three week renewal.
Interlibrary Loan Books
If the book you need is not available in Morgan Library or at one of our Prospector partners, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). You will have to create a profile the first time you use the ILL system.
Most items have a 6 week loan period from the time we receive them. Interlibrary Loan materials are not renewable and may be recalled by the lending library at any time. Some formats such as videos, CDs, microfilm, bound journals and old or rare books may have a shorter loan period or only be available for use in the library.
The items will be mailed to you. You are responsible for the return postage.
Book Return Address
Return books to:
Colorado State University
1019 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1019