More Forest & Range Resources: Table of Contents
Selected Forestry Resources
Encyclopedias & Reference Resources
- Silvics of North AmericaFreely available online from the U.S. Forest Service.
- Insects and Diseases of Woody Plants in ColoradoPublication Date: 2014Available in print at Morgan Library.
- Forestry CompendiumIncludes reference sources such as a glossary and species datasheets, as well as a database of journal articles on forestry topics.
- Treesearch (United States Forest Service Database)Scientific reports and articles from the U.S. Forest Service.
Other Resources
- Forest History SocietyUse the online Research Portal to find literature citations, digital photographs, interviews, and more.
- TreeGenesInformation and research data on tree genetics.
Selected Rangeland Science Resources
Encyclopedias & Reference Resources
- A Glossary of Terms Used in Range ManagementPublication Date: 1989Available in print at Morgan Library.
- JSTOR Global PlantsA collection of digitized plant type specimens contributed by hundreds of herbaria. Also includes reference sources, historical materials, and links to scholarly articles.
Other Resources
- Colorado State University HerbariumPlant specimens and information resources, some available online.
- SEINetSearch the digitized collections of multiple herbaria.
News/Current Events
- E & E NewsCovers environmental topics and related news. Access supported by CSU Warner College of Natural Resources.
- Mountain West NewsThis service offers news updates for the Rocky Mountain West, compiled by Mountain West News.
- Newspaper and News SourcesExtensive information on finding news at CSU Libraries.
Government Information
- Search the U.S. GovernmentSearch all federal, state, and local government websites with one search, including those without the .gov suffix.
- Government Information Research GuideLinks and instructions for finding information produced by all levels of the U.S. government.
- Dissertations & Theses Global (ProQuest Collection)Includes citations and some full text for theses and dissertations. Most are from U.S. institutions, but also some international.
- Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)Search for electronic theses and dissertations completed at universities around the world.
- WorldCatSearch the collections of libraries worldwide. Includes records for theses and dissertations available in print or electronically. The "material type" field may be used to limit results to theses/dissertations.
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