Geosciences (GEOL)
Encyclopedias & Reference Resources
CSU Libraries has many encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference materials available both online and in print. These can be excellent places to begin your research, since they provide an overview of the issues surrounding a topic. Pay special attention to any words or phrases that you could use to find more information.
- Gale ebooks (Gale Virtual Reference Library) This link opens in a new windowSearch in many reference books at the same time. Includes information on a wide variety of topics in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
- Encyclopedia of GeologyPublication Date: 2020E-book available online to CSU students, faculty, staff, and affiliates.
- Find more reference resourcesSearch for reference materials in the CSU Libraries catalog by choosing "Books and More." Then type in keywords that relate to both the topic and type of information source that you wish to find, such as geology encyclopedia.
Books & More
Books often approach a subject more broadly than journal articles do, so it can be beneficial to include them in your research. Search the catalogs listed below for books and e-books, government documents, theses and dissertations, journals, and more.
- Primo Advanced SearchFind materials in the CSU Libraries catalog by using the "Books and More" option. To search the catalog and some additional library resources, choose the "Almost Everything" option.
- Prospector CatalogSearch for and request items from numerous regional libraries.
- (OCLC)Includes materials at libraries worldwide. Use Interlibrary Loan to request materials that you find.
Using Library E-books
CSU Libraries purchases e-books in a variety of formats. All can be browsed online for a short time, but some may require free specialized software to borrow and read offline.
- E-books GuideDetailed information about finding and using e-books from CSU Libraries.
Journal Articles & Databases
Library databases are great places to search for journal articles. Databases may also include other types of information such as newspaper articles, book chapters, or conference proceedings. No single database will contain all of the information that is available on a topic, so it is generally a good idea to search in at least two. Pick databases that include the subject areas and types of materials that you hope to find.
Recommended Databases for Geosciences
- Web of ScienceIncludes scholarly articles and conference papers across the science fields. Non-science fields are covered to a lesser extent.
- Scifinder (Chemical Abstracts)Searches the chemistry literature. Useful for geochemical topics.
- ASFA Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (All Sections)The premier database for research on aquatic life, ecosystems, and resources.
- CAB Abstracts 1973 - presentSearch for scholarly articles, conference papers and government publications in many natural resources and life sciences fields. Contains literature published in 1973 and later. Use CAB Abstracts Archive for content published from 1910 to 1972.
- Find more databasesFind all of the databases available through CSU Libraries. Browse by title using the A - Z listing or by topic using the Subject drop-down menu.
Find the Whole Article
Many library databases only include abstracts (summaries) of articles. If you don't see a link that says "PDF full text" or "HTML full text" in a database, look for the FindIt@CSU icon. This will link you to the full text of the article.
Searching Effectively
Search Terms
A single concept can be described in many different ways, so use a variety of words when you are searching to retrieve more information on your topic.
Boolean Operators
Boolean operators can help you to find exactly the information that you need. Learn more about how to use them by watching this video from the University of Alabama Libraries.
Video by University of Alabama Libraries. CC BY-ND
More Search Techniques
Two other search techniques work in most databases.
- Truncation: Place an asterisk at the end of a word stem to search for other forms of that word
- Ex) bicycl* - finds bicycle, bicycling, etc.
- Truncation expands the results
- Phrase searching: Put short phrases in quotations to search for results which contain that phrase
- Ex) "bicycle commuting"
- Phrase searching narrows the results
Government Information
These government websites provide a wealth of geological and earth science information.
- United States Geological Survey (USGS)USGS maps, data sets, images, publications, and other information. Topics include water, climate, geology, biology, and more.
- USGS Publications WarehouseSearch and read the scientific publications of the United States Geological Survey.
- Geological Surveys DatabaseMaintained by the American Geosciences Institute, this database searches the publications of U.S. state geological surveys.
- EarthdataFind and use NASA's earth sciences data.
- National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)Access online environmental data from NOAA.
Theses & Dissertations
Find CSU Theses & Dissertations
- CSU Library Catalog (Primo)Search for CSU theses and dissertations in the CSU Catalog.
To find a thesis or dissertation from a CSU academic department, search using the words Colorado State, either the word thesis or dissertation, and words from the department name. You may want to include previous department names. For instance, the Geosciences Department used to be called the Department of Earth Resources, and before that, the Department of Geology. You'll also want to limit your search to "Books and More."
Example search:
Find Theses & Dissertations from Other Institutions
- Dissertations & Theses Global (ProQuest Collection)Includes citations and some full text for theses and dissertations. Most are from U.S. institutions, but also some international.
- Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)Search for electronic theses and dissertations completed at universities around the world.
- (OCLC)Search the collections of libraries worldwide. Includes records for theses and dissertations available in print or electronically. The "format" facet may be used to limit results to theses/dissertations after searching.
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- Finding articles, books, & more
- Using library resources
- Citing your sources