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Primo Help

Known Issues

Primo does not show Interlibrary Loan links for some items we do not have in full text. - In most cases, these are more unusual material types. You can still request these items from Interlibrary Loan by visiting your ILLiad account and filling out the New Request form for the appropriate material type.

Found an issue not listed here?

  • Have you signed in to Primo? Signing in will ensure you: view the most complete list of search results, can request items for pickup/delivery, save items to your favorites list indefinitely, can export citations, and more.
  • Have you visited our FAQs page? Primo has a unique interface and checking the FAQs and other pages on this help guide will help you use Primo in the best way possible.
  • Have you asked a librarian? A librarian can help you use Primo and assist you in reporting problems as applicable. Chat with us or ask us via email.


CC License

Creative Commons License Original content in this Colorado State University Primo Help Guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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