Online APA help
More online resources
- APA Style: Reference Examples - Includes examples of the most commonly cited works
- Basics of 7th Ed. APA Style - Tutorial - great tutorial by APA on all the basics of the 7th edition
- APA Style Blog - APA's official blog site for APA Style
- Excelsior College Online Writing Lab - APA formatting and style guide
- Business citations in APA 7 - WVU Libraries
All about DOIs
What is a DOI?
A digital object identifier, or DOI, is a unique code assigned to each published article that helps to identify and manage the article online.
The APA style guide now requires the inclusion of the DOI when you cite a periodical (assuming that a DOI is available). Some brief examples are below; for complete citation guidelines, consult the official "Publication Manual of the APA."
Periodical with a DOI (7th edition):
Cleary, A., & Reyes, N. (2009). Scene recognition without identification. Acta Psychologica, 131, 53-62.
Periodical with no DOI (7th edition):
Silick, T.J., & Shutte, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and self esteem mediate between perceived early parental love and adult happiness. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2), 38-48.
Look up a DOI
Need to identify a DOI?'s Simple Text Query web site allows you to enter citations and easily locate existing DOIs. (Note: Users have to register with a valid e-mail address first.)
Use Zotero
Zotero is a free citation management software that allows you to store and organize your research. Here are some features of Zotero:
- Store and organize references
- Easily capture citation information from web pages and databases
- Generate bibliographies
- Use with Word to create citations and bibliographies
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