Colorado State University Morgan Library Tour
Getting Help
Welcome to CSU Libraries! We are the campus hub for all of CSU's research resources, and we can also help you individually with your research. This guide contains some basic information about how to navigate and use library resources. If you have any questions, or need additional help, please feel free to contact us one of the following ways:
- Contact Kristy Nowak, your Transfer Student Librarian ( Kristy can answer questions about the library and/or meet with you to walk through some searches in the system.
- If you have specific questions about doing research in your subject area, ask a librarian
- You can also use our Ask Us! Chat service (staffed by real people around the clock) or call/ask at the Help Desk.
We are happy to help you with any questions you may have!
Library Resources
The library has a wide array of resources available to you as a student. Here are some examples:
- Study RoomsUse this link to go to the study room reservation system. We have study rooms on all four floors and they can be reserved for group study. Most of the study rooms have screens (ex. so you can practice presentations). You can reserve up to three hours a day, up to a week in advance.
- PrintingThe library has printers if you do not have a personal printer. There is a small free for printing (3 cents a page for single-sided) and instructions for adding money to your account are at the link above. We highly recommend you transfer a small amount at a time.
- Distance LearnersThis page provides information about using the library as a distance learner.
- Study CubeThe Study Cube is the 24/7 study space on campus. It is located directly across from the main entry doors to the library (the big glass cube). When the main building is not open, you must swipe your EID to enter.
Resources in the Building
- Writing CenterMany of the Writing Center's hours are hosted in Morgan Library. See the link above for Writing Center info.
- Morgan's GrindThe library has a very popular coffee shop. It is located directly to the left when you walk in the main doors.

Kristy Nowak
For assistance, please see all library help options here:
Subjects: Composition (CO150)