Find Materials in the Other Archives
Archival repositories across Colorado, the West, and beyond have materials relevant to the state's water history. Browse through the links below, or do keyword searches on your particular topic, person, or geographic area.
Archives in Colorado
Other Colorado archives that hold water collections include:
- Colorado Mesa University, Special Collections and ArchivesAccess reports, photographs, and other information online
- Colorado State ArchivesSearch the online water-related indices or the Historical Records Database
- Denver Public Library, Western History/GenealogyBrowse important conservation collections and find water images in the photography collection
- Fort Lewis College, Center of Southwest StudiesWater collections related to the southwest corner of Colorado
- History Colorado Library and Research CenterCollections related to ditch companies, state engineers, and more
- National Archives, DenverRecords of the Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey, and other federal agencies involved in western water
- Steelworks Center of the West, CF&I ArchivesArchives concerning the industrial use of water, especially in the Arkansas Valley
- U.S. Geological Survey Multimedia Gallery Photo CollectionsSearch by keyword to find historic photographs relating to Colorado water in the U.S. Geological Survey's vast collection
- University of Colorado, BoulderDiscover numerous water-related collections
- University of Colorado Law Library, Arizona v. California CollectionDatabase of full-text, searchable pleadings, briefs, orders, transcripts, and reports from the historic U.S. Supreme Court case, concerning water use rights in the Colorado River Basin
- University of Denver, Archives and Special CollectionsLook for Wayne Aspinall Papers
Archives Beyond Colorado
Use these links to find archival repositories or collections outside Colorado.
- ArchiveGridSearch more than 1,000 repositories, all at once.
- Digital Public Library of AmericaFind millions of one-of-a-kind digital objects from libraries, museums, and archives throughout the U.S.
- Guide to Environmental History Archival CollectionsA database created and maintained by the Forest History Society describing over 7,000 environmental history collections located in more than 450 repositories across North America and around the world
- Mountain West Digital Library"A central search portal for digital collections about the Mountain West region."
- Online Archive of California" public access to detailed descriptions of primary resource collections maintained by more than 200 contributing institutions including libraries, special collections, archives, historical societies, and museums throughout California and collections maintained by the 10 University of California (UC) campuses."
- Reclamation Photo DatabaseFind photographs of Bureau of Reclamation facilities
- Water Resources Collections and ArchivesFind manuscript collections, online resources, and helpful links related to California water history
- Western Water ArchivesScanned archival documents focusing on southern California water issues
- Western Waters Digital Library"Free public access to digital collections of significant primary and secondary resources on water in the western United States."
Your Archivist

Patricia Rettig
Archives & Special Collections
Morgan Library
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1019
Morgan Library
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1019
Subjects: Water