The Libraries has developed a new, comprehensive online tutorial to support library instruction for CO300. This tutorial covers choosing a database based on information need, using advanced search skills (OR, truncation, phrase searching), and methods/tools for reading and organizing sources.
If students successfully complete the tutorial (80% accuracy), they will automatically receive a certificate of completion that they can download as a PDF.
The CO300 library tutorial is posted in Canvas Commons and can be imported into your course as a graded assignment based on the quiz at the end.
If you would like help with adding or removing the library module in your course(s), please contact Heather Moon, Student Success Librarian.
You can add a librarian to your course using the Designer-New Quizzes role in Canvas. Adding folks as Designers allows them to assist with editing course modules/materials, but ensures they cannot view class discussions or grades.
What browser should students use to view and complete the tutorial?
Google Chrome (latest version) is best for Windows and Mac. Safari is best for Apple iOS/iPadOS, but Google Chrome will work. Google Chrome is best for Android OS 6 or later. JavaScript must also be enabled in the browser used.
What screen readers are supported?
See this Articulate article for the latest tech specifics.
What software did you use to create this tutorial?
Articulate Rise 360
What part of the tutorial is graded?
The grade is derived from the “Quiz Yourself” block in the “What did I learn?” section of the tutorial.
How can students ensure their work will be graded?
Students must complete the tutorial within the Canvas assignment area (see below for more information). Students must answer all six questions and reach the Quiz Results/Create Certificate slide at the end for the quiz to be automatically graded in Canvas.
What are the default assignment settings right now?
How can I change the grade to display as points instead of a percentage?
Go to Assignments > "CO300 – Diving Deeper into Library Databases & Tools" > Edit Assignment Settings > Display Grade as… and then change that to Points instead of Percentage. Make sure you hit the Save button at the bottom!
What if a student needs to complete the tutorial outside of Canvas, on the Libraries website; how can they still receive credit?
The student would need to save the PDF certificate of completion they receive at the end of the tutorial and provide it to you. There is no way to retrieve individual quiz grades from the Libraries website version of the tutorial.
The student and I followed all of the instructions/steps for Canvas auto-grading, and there’s still no grade. What do I do?
Have the student submit a certificate of completion, instead, if the grade is needed sooner. Then, please contact Heather Moon, Student Success Librarian, so we can troubleshoot.