Ethnic Studies
Resources for students, faculty, and staff in Ethnic Studies.
About the book you will review:
- The book should be non-fiction.
- The book should be single-authored (no edited books).
- The book should be from a university press.
- The topics should be in the social sciences, generally defined (e.g., history, anthropology, sociology, political science, etc.).
- Please make sure that the book is not too old (older than 2000) so that you can easily find book reviews for it online.
About the assignment:
- The book review must be 4-5 pages long (not including the cover page and the bibliography), double-spaced, with a 1-inch margin on all sides, and written on a regular-size 12 pt. font (e.g., Arial, Courier New, Times New Roman). Please number the pages.
- Include a cover page with your name, title of the book review, and course number and section. Do not count or number this page. Staple all the pages in correct order (cover page, text, and bibliography). Do not use folders, covers, or binders.
- Choose a reference system (citation style) and use it consistently throughout the paper. I recommend that you take a look at The Chicago Manual of Style, or another style manual.
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Write your book review - guides
- How to Write an Academic Book ReviewSource: Wendy Belcher (Princeton University)
- Developing an assessment: before you writeSource: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel-Hill
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- Limit To: Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Journals
- Document Type: Reviews
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- Source type: Scholarly Journals
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- Document Type: Book Reviews
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- Document Type: Book Review
- Search for the book title; then select "Cited By"
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