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These are tools to help you get free full text access to the materials you need.
You help CSU Libraries pay for these materials, so please contact us before ever paying for journal articles!
- Get LibKey Nomad Browser ExtensionMake web research a seamless experience with a browser extension that automatically provides instant links to full text content for articles in the Libraries collection as you do research on the web. Select Colorado State University as your institution.
- Connect Google Scholar to CSU LibrariesAdd CSU links to Google Scholar results pages
- Citation FinderUse DOIs or PMIDs in the CSU Citation Finder to locate full-text access
- Request an item through interlibrary loan (iLL)Order any article or book that is not in the CSU collections for free. Articles will usually be received within 24 hours.
Which database should I search?
PubMed if you are looking for something that is easy to search, covers general veterinary medicine, and includes human or translational medicine.
CAB Abstracts 1910-present if you are looking for a comprehensive animal science and veterinary medicine search.
Web of Science if you are looking for articles from life and physical sciences, zoology and conservation biology, and social sciences.
Plum's Academic or Animal Health and Production Compendium if you are looking for clinical or quick reference information such as definitions, diagnosis, standard treatments, etc.
If you are not certain how to search, check out some tips and short tutorials on search strategies or contact a librarian for help!
- AGRICOLA (EBSCO)Coverage: 1970 to present
Indexes resources from the USDA's National Agricultural Library. Includes citations to journal articles, book chapters, theses, patents, and more. - Agricultural & Environmental Science Database (Proquest)This database includes A&I resources covering topics as the effects of pollution on people and animals and environmental action and policy response. This database includes the AGRICOLA, TOXLINE, Environmental Sciences and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) databases and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications.
- Animal Health and Production CompendiumCoverage: Varies
The Animal Health and Production Compendium (AHPC) is a comprehensive, encyclopedic resource for information on animal health and production, to support sound decision-making in animal husbandry and food production worldwide. - Annual Reviews This link opens in a new windowCoverage:1932 to present
Annual Reviews volumes are published each year for 46 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences including Economics. They critically review the most significant primary research literature to guide researchers to the principal contributions of their field and help them keep up to date in their area of research. - BIOSIS Citation IndexCoverage: 1926-present
Subject coverage includes traditional areas of biology like botany, zoology, and microbiology.
Related and interdisciplinary fields such as agriculture, biochemistry, bioengineering, biomedical, biophysics, biotechnology, ecology, medicine, and pharmacology are also covered. - CAB Abstracts Complete (1910 to present) This link opens in a new windowMaximum Concurrent Users: 4
Coverage:1910 to present
Multi-database search of CAB Abstracts and CAB Abstracts Archive. Provides access to literature in the applied life sciences, including agriculture, environment, veterinary sciences, plant sciences, mycology and parasitology, food science, human health, and nutrition. - Plumb's Academic
Plumb's Pro is a point-of-care resource with tools for every step of the veterinary patient experience—diagnosis, treatment, and pet owner education.
- PubMed (National Library of Medicine)Coverage: 1950 to present
Provides access to bibliographic citations and abstracts for clinical medical literature. - ScienceDirectCoverage: 1995 to present
Collection of scientific, technical and medical (STM) literature. - VetMed ResourceCoverage: 1972-present
Provides access to veterinary medical literature with a streamlined interface geared towards veterinary practitioners. Content includes full text articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, reviews, datasheets, and bibliographic records sourced from CAB Abstracts 1972-present veterinary science collection. - Web of Science
Coverage: Varies
Multidisciplinary database covering journal articles and conference proceedings in arts and humanities, social sciences, and sciences. - WorldWideScience.orgCoverage: Varies
A federation of national science portals where research results are made available by participating nations,
providing encompassing coverage of global science and research results across language barriers. - Zoological RecordCoverage: 1864-present
Coverage of the world's zoological and animal science literature, covering all research from biochemistry to veterinary medicine. Provides a collection of references from serial publications, books, meetings, reviews, and other non-serial literature. An online thesaurus of controlled terms arranged in hierarchies makes it easy to locate appropriate search terms. Scope notes and related term references are also provided.
Veterinary Medicine Journals at CSU
- All Veterinary Medicine Journals at CSU (via BrowZine)Browse all journals in Veterinary Medicine or select from one of several sub-collections such as 'Small or Companion Animal Medicine' or 'Veterinary Diseases.'
Set Alerts
You can set alerts for new materials published in specific journals or matching a search design in your database of choice.
These alerts will send you an email on a schedule of your choice.
- BrowZineLog into Browzine from CSU and set up a personal account with Browzine. Add journals from the CSU collections to your personal shelves. Set alters for those journals in your account settings.
- Creating Alerts: PubMedCreate a personal account with PubMed. Run a search in PubMed, then save that search to your account. Set up the alerts when you save that search. Edit the search or the alerts in your account.
- How to Use Search Alerts - EBSCO DatabasesSet alerts in any EBSCO hosted database (CAB Abstracts, AGRICOLA via EBSCO). You must first log into the database from a CSU Libraries link, then create and log into a personal account with EBSCO. Run a search for a topic or journal name, then set the alert.
- Saved Searches and Alerts - Web of Science DatabasesSet alerts in any Clarivate Web of Science Database (Biosis, Zoological Record, Web of Science Core Collection). you must first log into the database from a CSU Libraries link, then create and log into a personal account with Web of Science.