These are tools to help you get free full text access to the materials you need.
You help CSU Libraries pay for these materials, so please contact us before ever paying for journal articles!
PubMed if you are looking for something that is easy to search, covers general veterinary medicine, and includes human or translational medicine.
CAB Abstracts 1910-present if you are looking for a comprehensive animal science and veterinary medicine search.
Web of Science if you are looking for articles from life and physical sciences, zoology and conservation biology, and social sciences.
Plum's Academic or Animal Health and Production Compendium if you are looking for clinical or quick reference information such as definitions, diagnosis, standard treatments, etc.
If you are not certain how to search, check out some tips and short tutorials on search strategies or contact a librarian for help!
Plumb's Pro is a point-of-care resource with tools for every step of the veterinary patient experience—diagnosis, treatment, and pet owner education.
Coverage: Varies
Multidisciplinary database covering journal articles and conference proceedings in arts and humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
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