Tips for Searching the Literature
- CSU Libraries Tutorials & VideosA variety of short videos and interactive tutorials on core strategies and skills for finding scholarly and research literature.
IACUC and Alternatives Searching
- Kuali Protocols for IACUCCSU uses the Kuali Protocols system for IACUC and IRB research protocols management. Learn more about the IACUC Protocols here.
Reporting Guidlines and Data Managment Planning
- MEREDIAN NetworkA "menagerie of reporting guidelines for studies involving animals".
Systematic Reviews and More
Connect with resources at CSU for planning and conducting a systematic review, scoping review, or other evidence synthesis project.
- CSU Libraries Guide to Systematic Reviews and Evidence SynthesisGuidelines, templates, tools and expert assistance at CSU Libraries for conducting systematic reviews, scoping reviews, or other evidence synthesis projects
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions by Julian P. T. Higgins (Editor); James Thomas (Editor); Jacqueline Chandler (Associate Editor); Miranda Cumpston (Associate Editor); Tianjing Li (Associate Editor); Matthew J. Page (Associate Editor); Vivian A. Welch (Associate Editor)
ISBN: 9781119536611Publication Date: 2019-09-23Comprehensive Systematic Review for Advanced Practice Nursing by Cheryl Holly
ISBN: 9780826152251Publication Date: 2021-06-01An Introduction to Systematic Reviews by David Gough (Editor); Sandy Oliver (Editor); James Thomas (Editor)
ISBN: 9781473929432Publication Date: 2017-05-05
CSU Research Support Units
- CSU Institutional Review Board (IRB)Ethical research conduct review of projects that do not involve animals.