If you are unsure which citation style to use for a class or assignment, consult your professor.
Commonly-used styles are typically defined by professional groups or associations, like the American Psychological Association (APA) or the Modern Language Association (MLA). Other styles are defined by individual journals, and guidelines are usually found on the journal's website.
American Medical Association (AMA) Style
- American Medical Association (AMA) Style GuideOnline guide for CSU affiliates
- AMA Style Quick GuideTwo-page PDF reference guide for AMA style by the University of Illinois Chicago
- AMA Reference Guide by JAVMAFreely available online AMA style citation guide by the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
Most biomedical publications use the American Medical Association (AMA) style guide. The AMA citation style requires journal abbreviations (instead of full titles) in references. To find journal abbreviations for biomedical journals, look up the journal title in the National Library of Medicine (NLM) Catalog.
Citation Guides
Short guides
By Excelsior College Online Writing Lab
Citation Tools
Quick tool
- ZoteroBibhelps you build a bibliography from any computer or device, without creating an account or installing any software
Citation management software
Libraries guides on popular citation management software:
Writing Help
- Writing Process OverviewBy Excelsior College OWL
- Writing GuidesBy Writing@CSU
- CSU Writing CenterFree service offering inclusive, cooperative feedback on writing projects