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Colorado Government

Information from the State of Colorado

Agriculture in Colorado

Agricultural and Natural Resources Archive. Colorado State University Libraries.

Not necessarily State of Colorado documents. "Holdings include inactive files from agricultural and resource organizations, family farms, and individuals, as well as the records of Colorado State University Extension and Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station. Primary materials available for research in the Archive collections include meeting minutes, correspondence, reports, fiscal records, oral history recordings and photographic images."

Agriculture Publications. Colorado State University Extension. HTML and PDF options.

Online publications on crops (diseases, integrated pest management, irrigation, production, and soil), farm management (economics, equipment, and safety), and livestock (health, judging, and management). Aimed at small acreage owners, urban agriculturalists, and others interested in the topics.

Brand Inspection Division. Colorado Department of Agriculture.

Protects "livestock industry from loss by theft or straying." Colorado has over 34,000 active brands. The Library of forms and documents has pdf forms for brand transfer, fee schedule, brand change, new brand application, etc.

Carnations and the Floriculture Industry. Records of the Colorado Flower Growers Association. Colorado State University Libraries. 1950s-1970s.

Not State of Colorado documents, but related to Colorado agriculture; 229 objects. "Current selections focus on scrapbooks and clippings, photographic material, and newsletters and press releases encompassing an array of topics such as advertising and publicity of Colorado carnations, the creation of a trademark, carnation cultivation, carnation care, carnation tinting and arrangement, activities pertaining to the Colorado Flower Growers Association, and relationships of the association with other organizations, companies, and individuals." Browse by collection, search by title, subject, author, description, format, or time period. Not all objects available for viewing online.

Colorado Agriculture & Rural Life Searchable Bibliography. Colorado State University Libraries 2005- .

While in most cases not Colorado documents, these 16,000 records are of interest. "As part of the United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) Preservation Initiative, Colorado joins several other states in identifying its agriculture and rural life literature from the period of 1820-1945. . . . [Find] research materials on the topics of agriculture, human ecology, rural life, ranching, farming, and related areas." Research topics by: agriculture, education, home economics, irrigation & water, mining & geology, recreation & tourism, sugar beets, transportation, and CSU reports. Image gallery has historic photographs, Great Western Sugar, and more. Search by keyword, author, title, material type (book/thesis/dissertation; map; journal/serial; archival; visual [includes photos]; and electronic resource [includes photos]), year, and full text. Advanced searching possible. Items may or may not be available in CSU Libraries; check WorldCat for broader holdings.

Colorado Agricultural Statistics. 1951- .  S41 .A3 Ref & 1935-1945,1951-1987,1989-1995,1997-2001,2004 Morgan

Information about Colorado agriculture

Colorado Agricultural Statistics Bulletin. USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Mountain Regional Field Office. Most recent 5 years.

This is "a historical series for all major crops, livestock and related data."

Department of Agriculture, Colorado. Colorado Department of Agriculture.

Sections for producers, consumers, learning about agriculture and procuring licenses.  Main page menus for Animals, Brands, Conservation, Inspection/Consumer Services, Markets, Plants, and State Fair. Hot topics have information about issues of the day. For example, in 12/15, Emerald Ash Borer.

Great Western Sugar. Colorado State University Libraries.

Not State of Colorado documents, but of interest locally. Online materials are but a small selection of items available in the Libraries' Archives. Galleries have photographs (221) of people, products, milestones, buildings, transportation, equipment, film (1), and documents (1). Browse by collection,subject, title, format, location, or date.

Water Resources Archive. Colorado State University Libraries.

Not necessarily State of Colorado documents, but of interest to Colorado agriculture. Water rights have huge implications for past, present, and future water use. The Archive has materials that cover: "engineering studies, law and legislation, water resources management, endangered species, and more. Geographic coverage focuses on Colorado but extends across the U.S. West and around the world. Document types range from meeting minutes, reports, and correspondence to maps, photographs, and audio tapes." Few items are available online, but select finding aids are available to be viewed remotely. Collections are from organizations, individuals, and more. Research tips under "Research" menu provide helpful suggestions. Digital Objects links to Digital Collections and Virtual Exhibits.

Health in Colorado

Colorado Vital Statistics. Health Statistics Section, Colorado Dept. of Health. 1961-85, 1987-2000.  HA 271 .A3 Ref & 1993-2000 & 1961- 1982 (Annual Report of Vital Statistics, Colorado), 1983/84-1991 in Morgan

Births, deaths, marriages.  Annual from 1966 to 2000. Order vital records online on Birth, Death and Other Vital Records. Also possibly of interest is Colorado Births and Deaths 2013 (PDF) and Colorado Births and Deaths 2015

Glance at the Past Over 50 Years of Colorado Vital Statistics.   HE18/62.2/V62 1995 Docs Ref

Vital statistics by county, 1940-1992.

Health Watch.   HE18/62.12/ Doc Ref

Monthly issues each cover specific topics.      ALSO ONLINE

Health Watch.   HE11/620.12/ Doc Ref

Compilation of statistics and graphics published irregularly..

HIV and AIDS in Colorado. 2000-2005. HE18/32.10/ latest in Docs Ref; earlier years in Colorado Docs

Published online is a 2014 Sexually Transmitted Infections in Colorado (PDF) (Division of Disease Control and Environmental Epidemiology STI/HIV Surveillance Program. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment). By gender, race, risk, age. Etc. From Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University in partnership with Gilead Sciences, Inc. is AIDSVu, which has graphical and textual information.

Injury in Colorado.   HE18/51.2/INS/2002/  Docs Ref

Narrative with statistics and graphics. 2005 is on CD-ROM in Elec Media.

Science in Colorado

Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC). Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment.

Hot topics, meeting information, air quality statutes and regulation, and more.

Air Quality - Monitoring, Modeling and Data. Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment.

"Technical Services is responsible for the collection and analysis of air quality data throughout the state. Particulate and gaseous air monitors are distributed in most Colorado communities to track air quality trends and compliance with air quality standards." See live image of Denver, Colorado Air Quality Map, Conditions, and more.

Colorado Geological Survey. State government agency within the Colorado School of Mines.

Learn about Colorado geology. "By providing sound information and new knowledge, the Colorado Geological Survey contributes to economic growth and improvement in the quality of life for Colorado’s citizens." One goal of the group is to "help people live safely with the multitude of geological hazards that Colorado’s spectacular geology creates when people move into nature."

Colorado Rare Plant Field Guide Colorado Rare Plant Technical Committee. QK86 .C6C6 1997 Morgan and A 13.36/2:C 71 Documents

Threatened, endangered, and special concern species. Status: critically imperiled, imperiled, vulnerable, apparently secure, demonstratably secure, of historical occurrence, ESA listed. Scientific name, common name, heritage rank, agency status, 1997 profile or updated profile (not all plants are in all categories). the 1997 book version is also referred to as "the purple book."

Colorado Solar Radiation Data.   QC911.82 .U62 C65 1979 Reference, Morgan, & Archives

Includes climate summaries for major cities and towns. Supplemental climatic data 1982 at QC984.C6 C49a no.82-2 Morgan & Archives. See also Solar Radiation on NOAA site.

Conservation Status Handbook. Colorado Natural Heritage Program. 1999 QH76.5 .C6C658 Morgan See also CNHP Conservation Status Handbook Tracking Lists.

Includes animals, plants, and plant communities. Online by: Amphibians and Reptiles, Arthropods and Insects, Birds, Fish, Mammals, Mussels and Clams, Nonvascular Plants, Plant Communities, Vascular Plants

Ground Water Atlas of Colorado. QE91 .A24 no.53 Reference Atlas Case #4 (South side) & Special Oversz

Thorough narrative, statistics, and graphics.

Messages in Stone Colorado's Colorful Geology.  NR12/20.2/M56/2003/ Colorado Docs & Reference

Full color book on Colorado geology.

Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Contruction. TE180 .C6 1999 Reference

Colorado Department Of Transportation specifications.

My Librarian

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Jocelyn Boice
Colorado State University
1019 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1019
(970) 491-3882
Subjects: Botany, Zoology

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